Board Committees
Audit Committee
This Audit Committee Charter (this “Charter”) establishes the purpose, qualifications and membership, structure and operations, duties and responsibilities of the Audit Committee (the “Committee”) of Universal Robina Corporation (the “Company”), and the procedures which guide the conduct of its functions.
The purpose of the Audit Committee is to provide oversight over the Company’s financial reporting, Internal Control System, Internal and External Audit processes, and monitor compliance with applicable laws and regulations. The Committee shall ensure that systems and processes are put in place to provide assurance in areas including reporting, monitoring compliance with laws, regulations and internal policies, efficiency and effectiveness of business operations, and proper safeguarding and use of the Corporation’s resources and assets.

Chairman (ID)
Cesar V. Purisima

Member (ID)
Rizalina G.Mantaring

Member (ID)
Antonio Jose U.Periquet, Jr.

Advisory Member
James L. Go
Audit Committee Charter
Corporate Governance & Sustainability Committee
his Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee Charter (this “Charter”) establishes the purpose, qualifications and membership, structure and operations, duties and responsibilities of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee (the “Committee”) of Universal Robina Corporation (the “Company”), and the procedures which guide the conduct of its functions.
The purpose of the Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee is to oversee the development and implementation of Corporate Governance principles and policies and perform oversight functions on the Economic, Environment, Social and Governance aspects of sustainability. The Corporate Governance and Sustainability Committee shall recommend a formal framework on the nomination, remuneration and evaluation of the performance of the Directors and key Management Officers to ensure that this framework is consistent with the Corporation’s culture, strategies and the business environment.

Chairman (ID)
Antonio Jose U.Periquet, Jr.

Member (ID)
Cesar V. Purisima

Member (ID)
Rizalina G.Mantaring
Corporate Governance Committee Charter
Board Risk Oversight Committee
This Board Risk Oversight Committee Charter (this “Charter”) establishes the purpose, qualifications and membership, structure and operations, duties and responsibilities of the Board Risk Oversight Committee (the “Committee”) of Universal Robina Corporation (the “Company”), and the procedures which guide the conduct of its functions.
The purpose of the Board Risk Oversight Committee is to oversee the establishment of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) framework that will effectively identify, monitor, assess and manage key business risks. The risk management framework shall guide the Board in identifying units/business lines and enterprise-level risk exposures, as well as the effectiveness of risk management strategies. The Committee shall be responsible for defining the Company’s level of risk tolerance and providing oversight over its risk management policies and procedures to anticipate, minimize, control or manage risks or possible threats to its operational and financial viability.

Chairman (ID)
Rizalina G.Mantaring

Member (ID)
Cesar V. Purisima

Member (ID)
Christine Marie B. Angco

Member (ID)
Irwin C. Lee
Board Risk Oversight Committee Charter
Related Party Transactions Committee
This Related Party Transaction Committee Charter (this “Charter”) establishes the purpose, qualifications and membership, structure and operations, duties and responsibilities of the Related Party Transaction Committee (the “Committee”) of Universal Robina Corporation (the “Company”), and the procedures which guide the conduct of its functions.
The purpose of the Related Party Transaction (RPT) Committee is to ensure that there is group-wide policy and system governing Material Related Party Transactions (MRPTs), particularly those that breach the materiality threshold. The policy shall include the appropriate review and approval of MRPTs, which guarantee fairness and transparency of the transactions.

Chairman (ID)
Christine Marie B. Angco

Member (ID)
Rizalina G.Mantaring